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Verifier can be specified as an option to createRxNostr() or rxNostr.use(). Verifier is used to verify the signature (sig) of events. One of verifier, noopVerifier, Custom Signer, or Worker Verifier can be used.

No default verifier. verifier in createRxNostr() is required. If you do not intentionally perform verification, specify noopVerifier explicitly or enable the skipVerify option.


verifier verifies the signature using the implementation provided by the @noble and @scure packages. This is provided by rx-nostr-crypto package.

import { verifier } from "rx-nostr-crypto";


noopVerifier does nothing. It considers all given events to be valid events.

import { noopVerifier } from "rx-nostr";

Custom Verifier

An arbitrary custom Verifier can be created by implementing the following EventVerifier interface.

import * as Nostr from "nostr-typedef";

interface EventVerifier {
  (params: Nostr.Event): Promise<boolean>;

When implementing Verifier, you must follow the below conventions:

  • Return Promise<true> if the given event is valid, and return Promise<false> if it is invalid.
  • If the validity of the given event cannot be judged, throw an exception.
  • Assume that it may be executed more than once for each event.

Worker Verifier

Signature verification often causes UI threads to hang, so if a large number of events need to be verified, it is more effective to do the verification on a worker thread to improve UI responsiveness.

Using createVerificationServiceClient() and startVerificationServiceHost(), you can easily create a Verifier running on a worker as follows.

Suppose worker.ts is a script to run on a worker. First, write worker.ts as follows to create a service that performs the verification process on WebWorker:

// worker.ts

import { startVerificationServiceHost } from "rx-nostr-crypto";



You can pass an arbitrary verifier to the verifier option of startVerificationServiceHost() to delegate the essential verification process. By default, verifier is used.

Next, create a client VerificationServiceClient on the UI thread that generates a Worker and queries it. If you are using vite as a bundler, import by ?worker&url query is useful:

import { createRxNostr } from "rx-nostr";
import { createVerificationServiceClient } from "rx-nostr-crypto";

import workerUrl from "./worker-host?worker&url";

const client = createVerificationServiceClient({
  worker: new Worker(workerUrl, { type: "module" }),

const rxNostr = createRxNostr({
  verifier: client.verifier,

// After you no longer need to use the client:

When the VerificationServiceClient is no longer needed, remember to call client.dispose() to terminate the worker. You may also terminate the Worker with worker.terminate() based on the standard Worker API.


In SSR case, new Worker() fails because Worker does not exist in the server context. createNoopClient() can be used to create a dummy VerificationServiceClient in the server context:

import {
} from 'rx-nostr-crypto';
import workerUrl from './worker-host?worker&url';

const isBrowser = /* ... */;

using client = isBrowser ?
    worker: new Worker(workerUrl, { type: 'module' }),
  : createNoopClient();